Sharon says...

When served sorbet to cleanse your palate, do not lick the sugar from the rim of the glass.

Points of Perspective

Welcome to Sharon’s diversity podcast, Points of Perspective.

Discover how to become more sensitive to the differences in others. From age to race to disabilities, Sharon gives you the tools you need to treat those around you with respect at all times. If you have a question you would like to have addressed on one of Sharon’s podcasts, please send an email to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

Etiquette When Interacting with the Blind and Visually Impaired

In this "Points of Perspective" podcast, Sharon presents an excerpt from her book, Don’t Be the Ugly Duckling at the Peacock Party, about etiquette practices when interacting with blind and visually impaired people.

Avoiding a Common Inappropriate Question

Some questions are better left unasked. Don't let potential business relationships evaporate because your curiosity got the better of you. Tune in to this podcast to learn why "what are you?" is an offensive question.

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Sharon Hill has an MBA with a focus on organizational behavior which has prepared her to help organizations with human resources. In this podcast Sharon focuses on sexual harassment in the workplace, specifically how to identify it and what you need to know legally to protect yourself.

Communicating with the Hard of Hearing

Have you ever had to interact with someone who was deaf? Learn how to make a positive impression with the hard of hearing with the tips in this podcast.

Understanding Generational Differences

Think about the people you work with. Are you close in age with the people in your organization? Does your age ever impact your relationships with other employees or clients? Tune into the following podcast to learn more about how to understand and interact with people of all different ages.

Understanding Cultural Differences

Do you work with people from many different backgrounds? Do you have clients that are located all over the world? Tune into the following podcast to learn more about how to understand and interact with people of diverse cultures.

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  • Mar 13, 2016

    Sharon Hill International awarded Woman Business Owner of the Year
  • Sep 12, 2013


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  • Don’t Be the Ugly Duckling at the Peacock Party image Don’t Be the Ugly Duckling at the Peacock Party